Pelosi fears China bill will be abused by tech firms - report - Breaking The News
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Pelosi fears China bill will be abused by tech firms - report


United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is worried that the phrasing in the currently negotiated China Competition Bill might allow big tech companies to stifle undesired oversees regulations, The Washington Post reported on Friday, citing officials acquainted with the matter.

The legislature portion in question is meant to "address censorship and barriers" to international digital trade in countries like China and Russia, but the fear is based on the supposition that this part could enable tech firms to target online safety rules and competition abuse regulations as "barriers" to digital trade.

According to the Washington Post report, the mentioned provision is a contention point as the House and Senate discuss the matter on Capitol Hill, trying to settle their differences in a most convenient version of the bill that is meant to give the US a boost in its trade competition with Beijing.

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