Disney set to spend $5B in Europe on new blockbusters - Breaking The News
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Disney set to spend $5B in Europe on new blockbusters


The Walt Disney Company aims to spend at least $5 billion in the United Kingdom and continental Europe over the next five years to make blockbuster movies and shows, the Financial Times reported, citing Jan Koeppen, Disney's president across Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Following the success of the company's film Deadpool & Wolverine, which attracted almost $900 million in box office revenues ahead of its third weekend, Disney felt positive about committing to additional investments in Europe, seeing as how the UK's Pinewood Studios produced the movie.

"[The genre] seems to have a lot of life left," Koeppen told the news agency, referring to the superhero genre, which the movie is a part of. "We are probably one of the fastest-growing media companies in [Europe, the Middle East and Africa]," Koeppen added, predicting "a lot more growth" for the company.

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