Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn sent a letter to 116 British MPs on Tuesday to ask them to support him in trying to stop a no-deal Brexit. The group that received the letter consists of Tory and independent parliamentarians who voted against a no-deal Brexit, including former Prime Minister Theresa May and former Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond, who is known as a leading Tory figure that is pushing for Parliament to stop the United Kingdom from leaving the European Union without an agreement.
Corbyn called for a general election to be held after getting a new Brexit deadline extension from the EU. He added that is the "best route to a referendum" or a Brexit with a deal.
Corbyn also wrote that he is putting the letter together after talking to other opposition parties earlier in the day and said Labour and other opposition parties are looking to "put party politics aside to find a way through the present crisis." The leader of the opposition warned that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is prepared to suspend Parliament to help the UK leave without a deal.